Skating Licenses for the season 2024-2025

You can buy the right skating license for the season 2024-2025 through THIS LINK . 
Available language options are Finnish, Swedish and English.

Please note that each person practicing in a Finnish skating club must purchase a skating license for the season. If you don’t have a Finnish social security number, please contact your club – they will help you with your skating license.

Also please note that each skater must have an insurance that covers accidents that might occur while doing sports, especially figure skating. We strongly recommend that you buy your skating license with “Pohjola Sporttiturva Sports Cover” insurance. If you have your own insurance, you need on demand to present that to your club.

Pohjola Sporttiturva Sports Cover

The insurance included in the license will start on May 1, 2024, if the payment has been made during May 2024. If it’s been paid later, the insurance will start on the payment date at 24.00 or at the time of payment, if a proof of payment can be presented, which indicates the payment period. The insurance ends automatically on April 30, 2025.

Please note that all license changes made through the Skating Finland’s office will be charged a 15€ office and handling fee.

NOTE! Without sports insurance, you cannot participate in training or competitions for Skating Finland member clubs.

Quick guide for buying a license

  1. Go to Hoika, write your clubs name and sign in.
  2. When you have signed in, you can select a language from the upper right corner
  3. Select purchase licence
  4. Select the licence you or the skater needs
    Urheilija = Skater
    Arvioijat ja kouluttajat = Jugdes
    Valmentajat ja ohjaajat = Coaches
    Toimihenkilö muu = All other persons, who are accreditated at competitions
  5. Chech that your contact information is right
    Henkilötunnus = Finnish id-number (needed when purchasing a licence with Pohjola Sporttiturva)
    Etunimet = First names
    Sukunimi = Last name
    Sähköpostiosoite = E-mail
    Postiosoite = Address
    Postinumero = Zip -code
    Postitoimipaikka = City
  6. Select one
    YL Yksinluistelu = Single skating
    PL Pariluistelu = Pairs
    ML Muodostelmaluistelu = Synchronized skating
    JT Jäätanssi = Ice dance
  7. Select the right licence