The sports community aims for responsibility in sport activities
- Our actions are transparent, open and inclusive.
- Sports are a source of joy and positive experiences. No one should experience bullying, harassment or other inappropriate behaviour.
- All are welcome to our activities.
- We operate sustainability and consider future generations.
- Our approach to sport is fair and clean.

Read the Sustainability programme for the sports community 2020-2024.
Read the Vastuullisuus taitoluistelussa 2021 – Sustainability in Figure Skating material (in Finnish)
In below inportant material related to sustainability in sports. More material in Finnish can be found here.
Good Governance
- Rules of Skating Finland (in Finnish)
- Material for sport clubs fom Finnish Olympic Comittee (in Finnish)
Safe Space and Safe Environment
- ISU Code Of Ethics
- Healthy Athlete -website
- Prevention of violence and harassment in sports clubs -online course
- Report suspected sports violations in the ILMO service
- Code of Ethics (in Finnish)
- Kurinpitosäännöt
Equality and Equal Opportunity
Environment and Climate
- Anti-Doping Instructions for Athletes
- Prohibited Substances and Methods in Sports 2021
- Clean Win online training
- Sexual and gender-based harassment in sports
- Fair win -material
- KAMU medicine search and classifications of medicines
- Skating Finland’s Anti-Doping program (in Finnish)
- The Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports